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How Jeff Koons Inspires Awe, Outrage, and Ultimately Makes Art You Will Remember

Notable Koons episodes include his 1989 “Made In Heaven” show—a series of hyperbolic glamor shots of sexual encounters with his pornstar wife—which made him an art world pariah; and his 2012 exhibition at the Palace of Versailles, where his inflatable pool toy sculptures were largely deemed disgraceful. While he has become synonymous with a public persona as polished and calculated as one of his giant balloon animals, a particularly exorbitant auction record, and a factory-like studio where 128 assistants and administrators take painstaking feats to task in order to realize their boss’s dreams, he is first a mainstay for producing captivating and genuinely entertaining art. Additionally while Koons ultimately crafts a singular brand of luxury, it’s peppered with human experience and hints of universal truths that have the power to allure an audience and cancel out the intimidation factor that so often construes art to be an upper-class commodity or conceptually incomprehensible...

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